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Web design & Development
Web FrontEnd Development
Graphic Design with UI/UX
Advanced Microsoft office
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We have two branches in Mirpur, We don’t have any branches in other Location.
Branch: Mirpur 12
House#62, Road#4,Block# B, Section-12, Mirpur Dhaka - 1216
Opposit Pallabi post office, Islami Bank & Apppex road
+880 16827 155 76, +880 1679 06 72 25
Branch: Mirpur 10
House#05, Road# 8, Block# C, Section- 10, Mirpur Dhaka-1216
House#05, Road# 8, Block# C, Section- 10, Mirpur Dhaka-1216
+880 16827 155 76, +880 1679 06 72 25
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